Sakura Spots ๐ŸŒธ

Experiencing the Timeless Charm of Shirakawago in Different Seasons (Gifu, Japan)

Venturing once again to the picturesque village of Shirakawago in Gifu, Japan, I found myself enchanted by its ever-changing beauty. This marked my second visit to this idyllic locale, each time offering a unique perspective on its timelesโ€ฆ

Exploring the Tranquil Beauty of Uedajo Castle and its Sakura Splendor (Nagano, Japan)

Nestled in the heart of Nagao Prefecture, Japan, lies the historic Uedajo Castle, a beacon of ancient beauty and cultural significance. Recently, I had the pleasure of embarking on a journey to this iconic site, where the whispers of histoโ€ฆ

Embracing Nature's Beauty: A Morning Camping Experience at Arakawa Sakura-zutsumi Park (Fukushima, Japan)

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Saitama, Japan, Arakawa Sakura-zutsumi Park provided the perfect backdrop for a memorable morning camping adventure. After spending the night at the roadside Station in Fukushima, my friend and I weโ€ฆ

Hanamiyama Park (Fukushima, Japan)

Hello! Today's post is going to be about Hanamiyama Park in Fukushima Japan. I was actually on a 5-Day Rd. trip recently and that's when I had the chance to go to Fukushima. By the way, I started in Osaka. During the five days, I drove aboโ€ฆ