Nice to meet you!

Hello everyone!

I'm Lisa and I will be starting this blog to share more about my life and adventure.

My passion is to travel and I love visiting new places, so my main posts will be about traveling and recommendations in Japan!


But before I get started with my traveling posts, I want to start off by introducing myself. So I found these "get to know me questions" on the internet so I will be answering them <3


<let's get started>


1. What is your middle name?

     I don't have a middle name. I am Japanese and here in Japan there is no middle name culture. However, I went to an international school and was surrounded by international students who had middle names. I was so jealous of them that I started saying my middle name was Rosemary! So I guess it's unofficial but "Rosemary" would be my "middle name."


2. Share your favorite subject in high school.

     My favorite subject in school was humanities and English because I love to learn about history and world affairs as well as literature. 

3. What is your favorite drink?

     I would always answer ginger ale as a kid and now that I am 22 I would probably answer the same. For alcoholic drinks, I love gin tonics and mojitos!

4. What is your favorite song at the moment?

     My favorite English song at the moment is That Part by Lauren Spencer Smith

     My favorite Japanese song at the moment is 想望 by 福山雅治

5. What would you (or have you) name your children?

     I want a name starting with L or R because those are the initials for my boyfriend and myself.

6. Have you participated in any sports?

     When I was in school, I was part of the basketball team for a few years but other than that I haven't really done any sports. I don't think it's really my thing to compete in sports.

7. What is your favorite book?

     To be honest, it is really hard for me to choose a favorite book because I read so many books as a child. However, I remember really enjoying reading The Thief Lord when I was a child. Currently, I haven't had much time to read any books, but I am in the middle of reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, which is the prequel to the Hunger Games series, and I'm also reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

8. What is your favorite color?

     I think my favorite color is black when it comes to fashion, but I also really love the combination of light pastel green and light pastel pink.

9. What is your favorite animal?

     I would say that my favorite animal is a bear however, I think I like bears because of Winnie the Pooh and all of the teddy bears that I have. I don't think it's necessarily because I like the animal itself. I know that it is a very dangerous animal when you come across them in the wild. 

10. What is your favorite perfume?

     The thing is, I don't really like to wear perfumes. I actually don't really like the smell of perfumes because they give me a headache. Different types of smell really easily give me headaches. Therefore, usually, I don't wear any or it is really difficult for me to find one that doesn't give me a headache. However, recently, my boyfriend requested that he wanted a cologne for Christmas, so I went to look for something that didn't give me a headache. I walked around the aisle at Abu Dhabi International Airport, and I ended up at Jo Malone. I tried out the different smells, and the English pear and freesia one was actually nice so that's the one I got for him. So that's what I might smell like because I'm around him a lot but other than that I just smell like nothing or hopefully fresh laundry

11. What is your favorite holiday?

     My favorite holiday is Christmas because I love how the city turns into you when it's Christmas. In Japan, I know that we don't celebrate Christmas as it is supposed to be celebrated as a Christian holiday however, I just love all of the Christmas music and Christmas lights everywhere in the city.

12. On a scale from 1 – 10, rate your childhood.

     Honestly, if I had to rate my childhood, I would rate it a 10 out of 10 because I believe that my childhood was pretty amazing. Although I had some ups and downs, and I had to deal with things like bullying sometimes or feeling self-conscious, or in confident those things have taught me a lot and shaped me into the person that I am right now, so I don't think there was anything wrong with my childhood and it really is the base of who I am today.

13. Have you been out of the country?

     Yes, I have been out of Japan a couple of times. The first time I left the country was when I went on a trip with my family to Australia. I think I was about six years old then. The second time was I believe when I was around 13 when I went to Thailand for an academic competition. Then, the next year I believe I went to New Zealand with my family. After my family trip to New Zealand, I went to Germany and Austria as a trip from school. And then after that trip I was busy and also Covid started so I ended up not being able to leave the country for a while but last year which is 2023. I went on a two-month solo trip to Europe from the end of September to the beginning of December. That's when I visited a lot of countries in Europe. I definitely want to travel more outside of my country as well so I have a few trips planned and hopefully, they will become a reality soon!

14. Do you speak any different languages?

     I speak English and Japanese. I have learned German in the past, but I really can't speak the language. If it's basic German, I kind of understand what people are saying, but I cannot express myself in German in any way. Recently, I've been interested in learning Spanish because I feel like it would come in use if I want to travel more in European countries. I feel that for my development learning Chinese would be great because since I already speak English in Japanese if I'm able to speak Chinese in Japan, that would be very useful. However, I'm not really interested in the language at this point in my life so I don't think I will be learning it anytime soon.


15. Do you have any siblings?

     I do not. I am an only child;)

16. What is your favorite store?

     I feel like I don't really have a favorite store nowadays because I'm not really into shopping as much as I was before. I also don't really care about where I get my clothes or what brand it is. But I guess I still shop at Hollister ever since I was a middle school student. I especially love their bralettes and bikinis because I can't really find those designs if I go to a Japanese store.

17. What is your favorite restaurant?

     Same with a Favorites store question I don't really think I have a favorite restaurant. I like to eat out at different places and always want to try local food wherever I am. However, I guess if I had to choose, I would choose Sushiro, which is a sushi conveyor belt shop in Japan.

18. Did you like school?

     For the most part, I did enjoy school. I made a lot of friends there that are long-lasting friendships now, but there were a lot of things that I didn't like about school as well. Honestly, I think it just has to do with luck as well because it depends really on your classmates and the teachers you get so if you're lucky to have a good teacher or good classmates, then I feel like the experience will change a lot from people who don't. But honestly, I feel like the best decision I made when I was a student was to quit the international school office going to and switching over to an online international school because it gave me more freedom.

19. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?

     Recently, I watched a lot of Japanese YouTube more than English YouTube. During the beauty guru era on YouTube, I would always watch English, YouTube videos, but since that golden era is gone now I mainly watch Japanese YouTube such as Kajisac, Morike, and so on.

20. What is your favorite movie?

     My favorite movie is Titanic. This hasn't changed for such a long time. It was just one of the first movies that really left me speechless so it still my favorite movie and I rewatch it quite often. I also like the history part of Titanic as well so this movie was a gateway for me to like history as well. When I went to Southampton and Belfast, I visited the places titanic-related as well. Other than that I also love watching musicals, so I like most musical movies. For example, Grease, The Greatest Showman, High School Musical, Hairspray, and more!

21. What are some of your favorite TV shows?

     Some of my favorite TV shows are Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, full House, Fuller House, Ginny, and Georgia, and so on. I like a lot of girly movies, as well as mystery, movies, and family tv shows. Honestly, I will watch most TV shows except for horror.

22. PC or Mac?

     Personally, I use Apple products so I have a MacBook and I have an iMac, and an iPhone. I think it's just so much easier when you can airdrop files to any device. However, I like how the keyboard sounds when you type on the PC much more.

23. What phone do you have?

     I already answered this in a previous question, but I have an iPhone. I have the iPhone 13 promax. I always get the bigger phone because I do a lot of work on my phone as well so it's just so much easier having a bigger screen. I also use my phone as maps when I drive and watch movies on it as well so it's just always better for me to have a bigger screen.

24. How tall are you?

     Honestly, I have no idea because I feel like every time I check my height it changes a little bit but I'm just gonna say I am 165 cm. I've been going with that for the past few years so I'm not gonna change that.

25. Do you have any pets?

     So I have some fish. I have these fish called "medaka" and they are adorable. I started having them about two years ago and they keep reproducing and sometimes I add new types of fish so they mix and there's different colored medaka and so on. They are quite low maintenance so that's what I like about them because I'm not always home so it's easy to just have my parents or my grandma look after them as well. Also, I can't have any for animals because my parents have a shop, and especially my mom has a tea shop so considering customers with allergies, we cannot have any for pets.




But anyways, those were very random questions, but I hope you have a little bit more of an insight, for what kind of person I am! You will definitely be getting to know more about me through each post because you will see the world through my perspective. There are so many places that I want to post about so hopefully I can keep this blog consistent but I don't want to make it, something to do out of force so I want to be able to make this blog genuine and keep it that way. Also, I will be posting two blog posts for each topic so I will be posting in both English and Japanese and be making separate posts for it. 


Anyways, I think that's all I want to see for now, so thank you for reading until the end and I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

